这本回忆录应该是李光耀回忆录的前半部分,只包括了新加坡独立建国时为止,所以其副标题注明了(1925-1965)。 1、李光耀当然是一个很聪明的人,他的聪明不仅仅在于智力,还有其顺应环境,擅长于使用各种资源...
自适应计算 现代遗传算法: 选择一个起始群体,其中包含了各种可能的候选设计(即候选个体)。评估每个候选个体的“适应度”得分,依据的可以是个体的金钱支出或者能量消耗记住“适应度”得分最高的候选设计选...
周末读《叶慈》:THE WHITE BIRDS (白鸟)
THE WHITE BIRDSI would that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea! We tire of the flame of the meteor, before it can fade and flee; And the flame of the blue star of twilight, hu...
周末读《叶慈》:When You Are Old
When you are old When you are old and grey and full of sleep.And nodding by the fire, take down this book.And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows dee...
[audio m4a="叶芝《蜉蝣》Yeats:Ephemera.m4a"][/audio] Ephemera "Your eyes that once were never weary of mine Are bowed in sorrow under pendulou...
今天随便下载了几本书,报着猎奇的心态,翻了翻重庆出版社的《神秘文化典藏系列-千年不死的怪物吸血鬼》,居然看到一个从来没有听说过的名字“利利丝”,而且说她是亚当的第一个妻子。 她可不是上帝用亚当的肋骨制...
周末读《叶慈》:The Indian to His Love
The Indian to His Love The island dreams under the dawn And great boughs drop tranquillity; The peahens dance on a smooth lawn, A parrot sways upon a tree, Raging at his own image in the enamelled...
周末读《叶慈》:Wherever in the Wastes
Wherever in the Wastes Wherever in the wastes of wrinkling sand Worn by the fan of ever flaming time Longing for human converse, we have pitched A camp for musing in some seldom spot To roam and p...
周末读《叶慈》:’Mong Meadows of Sweet Grain
'Mong Meadows of Sweet Grain 'Mong meadows of sweet grain and musing kine Wanders my little rivulet. I like Her more than those mad singers who passed by, And following her shaded shores I’ll rest...